
How To Handle and Transport


Blink® Blinds + Glass
How To Handle and Transport

Doors and windows with Blink blinds between the glass offer great convenience, but they must be handled and transported properly to ensure they aren't damaged when bringing them home from the store. This video gives you important instructions and tips on what to do before you move or install your new door or window with built-in blinds.


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How to care for and use

Blink built-in blinds stay dust-free, are safe for children and pets, and are easy to care for and operate. This video shows you how to care for your windows with blinds between the glass and doors with build-in blinds, and how to use them for optimal convenience and enjoyment.


How it works

Check out how easy it is to use the Blink Blinds + Glass controller to adjust your blinds between glass. But be prepared: you may find yourself dancing along.


How to exercise the blinds for proper lowering

If the Blink blinds between glass in your window or door have been in a raised position for a long time, the blinds might not lower properly when first lowered. "Exercising" the blinds will correct this issue. This video shows you how to exercise your built-in blinds as needed.